Leasing will usually get you a lower monthly payment than if you were to purchase the same car. You may also be able to upgrade to a more expensive model or add additional options while staying within budget.
The Hendrick Cadillac Cary offers customers access to credit assistance and available bankruptcy approval programs designed to help even the most credit challenged individuals. Regardless of your current credit score or your previous credit history, Hendrick Cadillac Cary wants to help!
If you live in Cary or any of the surrounding North Carolina communities, come by today and let our credit assistance team tailor a car loan designed specifically for you.
Leasing will usually get you a lower monthly payment than if you were to purchase the same car. You may also be able to upgrade to a more expensive model or add additional options while staying within budget.
With cars these days evolving at a fast pace, the technology options are nearly endless. Through leasing, you’re able to have a car with the most up to date technology features.
At the end of your lease, you will simply turn the car in to the leasing agency.
Typically the length of your lease will be shorter than a basic warranty. This will help you save maintenance and repair costs.
Purchasing a car sometimes comes with facing uncertain market values when the time comes to sell or trade your car in. When financing, you are still liable for paying the loan balance if you owe more than the vehicle is worth.
Financing or purchasing a vehicle means that the bank or leader will need an initial payment from you. Among other factors, this payment is usually calculated according to your credit score.